Security on social media is very essential. The user profiles have so much of personal data, which are often vulnerable. Hackers are always active, one loop hole in your account, and it gone forever!

So here, i am talking to you about the safety measure you should comply with as you use your Facebook. This post in particular is about keeping an eye on the locations from where your Facebook has been logged in. Yes, you heard it right.

This post is going to be a guide for you as to how can you track your Facebook login location!

With the help of this newly added feature, Facebook lets you be fully aware of the happenings on your account. When you find anything suspicious, you can go ahead with further security steps, to help yourself from being in any kind of mess.

So, lets begin with the steps you have to follow to keep your login locations tracked! This is an official feature by Facebook, and there’s no need for may other application for the procedure:-

*With the log in, click on the arrow that points down.

*From the drop menu bar on your upper right corner, go to settings.

*Next visit the security settings from the menu on your left, followed by an option to edit, which is right in front of the Where You’re Logged in option.

*From here, you can view all the locations that have been mention to login into your account.

After the entire read, if you find anything that seems to be fishy, you can definitely ensure that nothing like that happens again. This one step, can be the very basis of finding out if your Account is being mal handled by someone else.

Security steps ensure a better user experience. You dont have to be worried about someone trespassing into your account, specially with an ulterior motive.

If u have that locations are not right as per you then change your account password.

Be attentive, and be safe!

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