If you are a security conscious geek, then nobody will think to crack your long and confusing password even F.B.I will think twice before cracking it. But, as we all know that it is very difficult to remember any long and confusing passwords, so, today we will show you a very easy and efficient way to share your WiFi password using QR code.

1.Go to .

2.On the left side just locate and Click on the “lock” icon just after the “SMS” icon.

3.Fill the required details to generate the QR code.

4.On the right side, alive preview of QR code will be displayed(You can also download the QR code)

5.Scan the QR code through “QR & Barcode Scanner“. (QR & Barcode Scanner is avilable on browser like Uc browser, Uc mini, Opera mini etc. Or else you can download any Barcode scanner from playstore)

6.Now tap on “Connect” icon to connect to the WiFi.

Posted via Princ€

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