Some error messages may randomly occur in the iOS system Not only but in any other system , specially for users of the iPhone, show them that message "Unable to download the application. At this time" with the options of "Done" and "Try again." Thing that makes this strange message may occur suddenly and without the user tries to update or download or do something to his regime, but may be caused by the device in an attempt to automatically update applications from time to time.

Well, what should you do if you are faced with this message on your iPhone or iPad randomly and some times frequently?

Assuming you didn't do something (and if you are trying to download something and you are faced with this message, simply check your network connection and try again), just click "Done" and most likely it will go, if the pressure to "try again" may occur probably repeat for this message again and again . Then when first message appears, try these steps to resolve the problem:-

1. Drag the list of controls from the bottom to the top and do "airplane mode".

2. Click on "Done" in the letter to close.

3. Wait about 15 seconds and then close "airplane mode".

This should solve the problem, and you will not see it again.

There are many explanations for the problem "couldn't load the application", the most famous because of the activation of options "iTunes Match, Books" or may be the automatic update feature as we pointed out earlier, but the closure of these properties does not guarantee the non-occurrence. But all these are not constants, the only constant thing that does not have a special case and that the larger the possibility remains that it is not only or software errors, as is the famous word "Bugs"

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