Facebook Verifies the following types of accounts (Pages & Profiles):
|#Popular Brand or Businesses |
|#Government Officials            

These are the four categories of pages or profiles which can be verified by Facebook using the new
method of verification for Facebook page or profile 2015. Assume if you have any neighboring business
which is popular then Facebook may claim your page if you are official. And then there is no necessitate to suggest any type of appeal to
Facebook for page verification. They automatically claim your page as verified & this depends on some
details and minimum requirements mentioned by Facebook.

If you have pages mentions (a high amount) there will be chances to get your page or profile verified
and your Facebook page must officially stand for your local business or any personality and should
have some popularity on Facebook’s World. When you create Facebook page, fill in all the real info about
your or your business so Facebook will get to recognize that Are your the real person.

Follow steps to verify:-

1. Link To Your Profile or Page From Official Website.

2. Provide precise information in details about your business in the About Section of your Page or

In About section you must add :-

#Significant long and short explanation.

#Keyword that represents your business.

#Email, it will be better if you use your website’s domain such as (admin@techspirate.blogspot.in)

#Official Website/Blog


#Facebook Page Location along with claimed business address
And other details in Page Info tab.

After following the tips above now it’s time to
“ Request a verified Badge ”.

Now go here- verification 

Facebook Mentions is only offered to people with verified Facebook profiles or Pages. To request a verified badge for your Page, please fill out the
above form (Link). Fill in the required information, send application and then you are done.

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