Are you locked out of your own Windows  PC because you cant remember the Administrator password. Don’t worry.

1.Restart your pc.

2. Once you get to this screen, hold the power button on the computer until it turns off. (no damage will be done)

3. If you did it correctly, you should get thisscreen. If you get something like “Windows did not shut down correctly” try again. Thenselect “Launch Startup Repair”

4. Let the repair go through. If you get this window, select “Cancel”

5. When you get this window, click on “Show problem details” Scroll down, and click thelinkon the very bottom. Notepad will pop up.

6. Go toFile/Openand double-click your. “Local Disk” (Mine is D:/ because I have a virtual machine. Yours will probably be C:/)

7. Go toWindows/System32 .Now do EXACTLY as I say, or you MIGHT break the computer. Under “Files of type” select “All files” Scroll down and find “cmd” then make a copy of it in the same folder (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V). You should get a file named “cmd – Copy” or something like that.

8. Find “sethc” in the same folder. This file executes sticky keys. Rename it to “sethc 1”

9. Rename your “cmd – Copy” to “sethc” Close notepad, and hit “Finish” to shut downyour PC, or just restart it manually.

10. Once you get back to the login screen (where it says “Press Control – Alt – Delete” Ignore my background, I don’t have that enabled), press “Shift” 5 times to open up the command prompt.

11. Next, we need to find out what user is the local administrator for this PC. To do this, type “net localgroup Administrators” and look for any administrator that does NOT have your school/work domain in front of it, followed by a “/ ” As you can see, one of the admins is named “qwaszx” You will probably see a name like this, since schools/workspaces tend to make it a random string of letters and/or numbers to ward off people from entering it.

12. Now, we need to change that account’s password. Type “net user <ACCOUNT NAME HERE> *” and type the new password twice. It will not show what you’re typing, but your keystrokes are being registered. You can now log in to your admin account! However, schools/workspaces also like to disable the admin account you just changed the password for, so you might not be able to log in. There is a simple fix. If you get that message, go to the extra step below.

13. If the admin account is disabled, type “net user <ACCOUNT NAME HERE> /active:yes” You will now be able to log in.

14. You now have full admin rights to the PC. Enjoy!


Posted via Princ€


No doubt Counter-Strike is the world most played and popular Game but itsabsence from Android playstore is quite disappointing for Gamers. Now it’s time to Rejoice and thank Developer Alibek Omarev for bringing back are memories to our Favourite Android device.

It’s the result of Alibek Omarev hardwork who has completely rewritten the code to make Counter-Strike 1.6 work on Android devices. Hehas managed to get all the controls on-screen, right from moving around to firing and refilling the ammo.


The Most important thing you need before proceeding to the installing purpose is Counter-Strike 1.6 itself install on your PC.

1. You’ll need to download and install this APK file. There are two APK files here – use the one with omp suffix on a smartphone with multi-core chipset, and the one with noomp suffix for smartphones with single-core chipset.
Links are given below.

2. Download and install the latestXash3D APK file from below.

3.Now, on your PC, go to Steam directory where you have installed the game and copy these folders – cstrike and valve. Next, paste them in xash folder on your smartphone’s SD card or internal storage.

4.Run the CS16 Client on you smartphone. If all steps are followed correctly, the game should run with ease.

To download-cs16-client-release-noomp 
To download-cs16-client-release-omp
To download- xash3d-android-0.17.1 


Posted via Princ€


Kali Linux is widely used OS for penetartion testing and best for creatingdummy environment to test the various hacking attacks. And this cool OS can now can get installed on your android too, you must be wonder fromthis but it is possible, you can install Kali Linux on your androidwith our complete guide below. So read out the complete postto proceed.


*.Fully charged Android
*.Good Internet Connection(For Download Kali Linux images)
*.Rooted Android
*.Atleast 5GB Of Free Space

1.First of all download and install Linux Deploy App in your android from the below link.

2.Now After downloading and installing it launch the app in your device and there tap on download button.

3.Now there tap on Distribution option and change it to Kali Linux instead of Linux.

4.Now scroll up and click on the Install button at the top of  there.

5.Now wait for the download to complete time taken can be vary depending upon your internet speed.

6.Now download and install VNC Viewer App in your android from below.

7.Now launch the app and fill up the settings as displayed on the screenshot below.

8.Now click on Connect button there.

9.Thats it you are done, Now Kali linux gets installed in your android and you can enjot the dummy hacking environment in your android.

To download-Linux deploy 
To download- VNC Viewer 

Posted via Princ€


Is your iPhone missing? Misplacing your phone can be a painful experience, particularly if it’s a costly phone like an iPhone. Misplacing of devices is the common problem now a days. Very often we lost our phone and  for android, there are numerous methods available that can help you to track your lost phone.But, in iPhone, there are very fewer options available to track your lost deviceand we are going to share one today. So in this article, you will have to use the app namely Find My iPhone that lets you track your lost, stolen apple device.  By this method, you will be able to find your Apple Devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod.

1.Now if your device is lost or stolen then you can trace it just by going to  here or you can simply download free Find My iPhone app.

2.Now there you should see the map of all your iOS devices. Here you have to just select your lost/stolen iPhone device keep on It’s tracking location.

3.Now on the next step, you have to put your device on Lost mode. For this simply click onLost mode. Now by activating Lost mode you can do following things:-

*.Lost Mode will automatically turn on thelocation serviceseven if the location service isdisabled on your device.

*.You can set up thepasscode.

*.You can also display a message on thelock screen.

*.You can also erase all data on your device remotely just by clicking onEraseiPad, iPhone etc. Just by doing so, you will not able to trace it further.

4.If you did not enable Find My iPhone on your missing device in this case simply change your iCloud password so that no one can delete or make changes to your iCloud data.

If you are unable to find your device by tracking then simply report your lost or stolen device to local law enforcement and your wireless carrier. You can simply go to  here to know the serial numbers of all devices registered with your Apple ID.

Posted via Princ€


When you are going to sell your computer, its obvious that you have to remove your current Windows product key on an old computer that you are using and you might further have to use on another new computer. Obviously, this will help in saving your money as you will not be able to buy another Windows Activation License.

1.Click on Start, in search box, type “cmd” and right click on ”cmd.exe” program. Select “Run as administrator” option to open command prompt program.

2.In command prompt program, type “slmgr/dlv” and press enter key. It will display you the software licensing service window. You have to copy the “Activation Code” to be used in next step.

3.Use “Activation ID” in step 2 to uninstall Windows product key with the following given command: ”slmr/upkactivation id“. Let us take an example for this, Your activation ID is: EEEE-FFFF-GGGG-HHHH, then you have to enter thefollowing command: “slmrg/upk EEEE-FFFF-GGGG-HHHH”, and press enter. A pop up message will appear showing you message “Uninstalled Product Key Successfully”.

Its a simple procedure to uninstall Windows Product Key from Windows computer. Your Windows Activation License is now free and is available to be installed on another new computer.

Now how to activate windows product key?

While installing a new copy of Windows, you can activate Windows License. When you areat the final step of Windows Installation, You are asked to provide Windows License Code to activate it now or later.

1.Go to “Desktop“, right click on “My Computer” and select “Properties“. In the Windows Activation Section, You have to click to activate Windows. Enter your “Windows Product Key“.

2.When you entered the Windows Product key , press enter and a pop-up window will appear showing you message “Installed Product Key EEEE-FFFF-GGGG-HHHH successfully“.


Posted via Princ€


You people might have one or more accounts on thevery famous social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Gmail etc as these things are very common now a days. People like to make multiple accounts for different social medias like FB, WhatsApp etc. This makes it a real fun for them to use different accounts for a same social network. But using different accounts at same time could bea no easy task as for using the accounts you will has to sign in/sign out of the current account that you are using every time you want to shift to another account as you can run only single account at the same time. Hence it becomes really difficult for the users with multiple accounts to manage their tasks on different accounts. You could make multiple accounts very easily by using different credentialson different networks but you cannot manage them all in a same app.But wait, if you are android user then it could be very simple for you.

1.Download parallel space app from below link.

2. After you has successfully searched for this app, install the app on your android device.

3.Now after the installation completes, run the Parellel Space app on your device.

4.So here comes the real part.If you want to run multiple accounts for any app on the android then in this app first of alladd the app you want to run (WhatsApp etc) by taping + icon at the bottom of this app.

5.After your app has been added in this app, you can run two different accounts for the same app simultaneously. Like if you has added WhatsApp application in Parellel Space app then you can use two different WhatsApp accounts simultaneously by logging in to both the accounts only once.

Posted via Princ€